Friday 15 September 2017

Rallying to young mum’s rare cancer fight.

Family and friends of a young mum are urgently trying to raise an initial £10,000 to get her specialist treatment for a virulent form of cancer.

Twenty-two year-old Stephanie Dempsey has been diagnosed with renal medullary carcinoma, a rare and aggressive form of kidney cancer which mainly affects young people with sickle cell trait.

The former Calder High School pupil, of Luddenden Foot, mum to three-year-old Kenley, is being treated for the cancer in Leeds and has been given a poor prognosis. But her sister Jade Glover, who has begun organising fundraising events, said treatment at a specialist clinic in France could make a difference.

Jade said the family had been told about specialist treatment by American woman Cora Connor, who runs website, offering support on understanding the rare condition and whose brother Herman had been successfully treated by a US specialist.

Read more Halifax Courier

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