Monday 30 October 2017

Crime commissioner condemns attacks on emergency services ahead of Halloween and Bonfire Night.

Here should be an image

Mark Burns-Williamson said he hoped people celebrating Halloween and Bonfire Night would be respectful of others in their community who might not be taking part.

He also highlighted the dangers faced by police, paramedics and firefighters as they carry out their duties.

“I sincerely hope we don’t see any attacks on our emergency service workers this Halloween and Bonfire Night and I would like to reiterate my full support for the Protect the Protectors and More than a Uniform campaigns,” he said.

“Emergency service workers do an incredible and selfless job. They run towards danger and put themselves in harm’s way to keep us safe.

“I can’t condemn attacks on them strongly enough and I fully support the zero tolerance message to ensure those thinking of committing these despicable attacks know the consequences, consider the recklessness of their actions and that they will rightly face prosecution.”

West Yorkshire Police has created a poster which households can display if they prefer not to receive visits from trick or treaters.

Read more at Halifax Courier

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