Wednesday 28 February 2018

Watch as trainee police officers tackle ‘criminals’ at West Yorkshire Police training school.

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CHASING suspected burglars, dealing with crowds of anti-social yobs and arresting drug dealers are among role play scenarios trainee police officers are tasked to deal with at West Yorkshire Police’s state-of-the-art training school at Wakefield.

A purpose built village in a giant building at the Carr Gate complex is a crime and disorder hotspot for around 520 recruits every year as they put their classroom learning into practice during their 13-week basic training programmes.

The West Yorkshire force is now seeking more police officers and the recruitment window is open until March 11.

Successful applicants will take part in the 13 week training programme at Carr Gate and then go out on the streets with a tutor constable for ten weeks.

Recruits who pass both sets of training are then deployed to one of five districts in West Yorkshire for a two-year probation period.

Superintendent Sarah Baker, head of learning and development for West Yorkshire Police, said there is no upper age limit, but applicants must be able to pass the medical and fitness tests.

Supt Baker said officer safety training in week three is the most physically demanding as recruits are taught how to use their batons and handcuffs along with unarmed self defence skills.

Supt Baker added: “If they are struggling with their fitness for whatever reason, that’s the one that surprises people.”

Trainee police officer Rianne Woodham, 23, of Guiseley, Leeds, is in week 12 of the 13-week basic training programme.

Read more at Halifax Courier

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